Install QEMU

This document describes how to build and run for the QEMU target. It is assumed that you have completed the procedures outlined on the Getting started page. If not, begin there before proceeding.


Since we are using a virtual Python environment, we need begin by sourceing it.

$ source <workspace root>/.pyvenv/bin/activate


The source above has to be done once everytime you spawn a new shell.

Start the build, this will probably take several hours on a normal desktop computer the first time you’re building it with nothing in the cache(s). The TRS is based on various Yocto layers and if you don’t have your DL_DIR and SSTATE_DIR set as an environment variable, those will be set to $HOME/yocto_cache by default. Note that the clean target will leave download and sstate chaches in place and is relatively fast operation and quite often needed when updates have been applied to the yocto meta layers.

$ cd <workspace root>
$ make


After the build is complete, you will be able to run it on your host system using QEMU.

$ make run

U-Boot is already set to boot the current kernel, initramfs, and rootfs upon initial startup.


To quit QEMU, press Ctrl-A x (alternatively kill the qemu-system-aarch64 process)

If everything goes as expected, you will presented login message and a login prompt. The login name is ewaol as depicted below.

ledge-secure-qemuarm64 login: ewaol


Once the build has been completed, you can run automatic tests with QEMU. These boot QEMU using the compiled images and run test commands via SSH on the running system. While the QEMU image is running, SSH access to it works via localhost IP address and TCP port 2222. TEST_SUITES variable in recipe define which tests are executed.

$ cd <workspace root>
$ make test

See yocto runtime testing documentation for details about the test environment and instructions for writing new tests.