Installing firmware

If your hardware can boot of an SD-card meta-ts will generate a WIC image which you can dd to your target. Otherwise the firmware must be flashed in a board specific way.

Since the firmware provides a [UEFI] interface you are free to choose the distro you prefer.

QEMU arm64

QEMU just needs the build file containing all the firmware binaries.


Files needed from build directory flash.bin


The SynQuacer can’t boot from an SD card. You need to download and install the firmware via xmodem. You can find detailed instructions here

The short version is flip DSW2-7 to enable the serial flasher, open your minicom and use xmodem to send and update the files.

flash write cm3 ->  Control-A S   (send scp_romramfw_Release.bin)
flash rawwrite 0x600000 0x400000  (Control-A S -> fip.bin-synquacer)

After successful firmware update via serial flasher, power off the board, set DSW2-7 to OFF, DSW3-3 and DSW3-4 to ON to enable OP-TEE and TBB(Trusted Board Boot).


Files needed from build directory scp_romramfw_release.bin, fip.bin

stm32mp157c dk2 or ev1

zcat ts-firmware-stm32mp157c-<ev1|dk2>.wic.gz > /dev/sdX


Files needed from build directory ts-firmware-stm32mp157c-dk2.wic.gz or ts-firmware-stm32mp157c-ev1.wic.gz


zcat ts-firmware-rockpi4b.rootfs.wic.gz > /dev/sdX


Files needed from build directory ts-firmware-rockpi4b.rootfs.wic.gz

Raspberry Pi4

zcat ts-firmware-rpi4.wic.gz > /dev/sdX


Files needed from build directory ts-firmware-rpi4.wic.gz

Xilinx KV260 AI Starter kit

This board uses an internal SPI flash. You need to reset the board while pressing FWUEN switch. This will launch an HTTP server at

Connect to the web Interface and update ImageA and ImageB


Files needed from build directory ImageA.bin, ImageB.bin